7 Deadly Sins of Product Pages (And How to Avoid Them)

Is your product page a conversion killer? Slay the 7 deadly sins of product pages and learn how to craft compelling descriptions, high-quality visuals, and persuasive calls to action that turn visitors into buyers.

By Shelly Leroux Β· July 22, 2024

7 Deadly Sins of Product Pages (And How to Avoid Them)

Let's face it, you've poured your heart and soul into your side hustle. You've meticulously crafted that perfect product, one that fills a gap in the market or solves a problem in a brilliant way. But here's the rub: if your product page is a snoozefest, all that effort goes up in smoke.

Think of your product page as your online salesperson. It needs to be charming, informative, and most importantly, persuasive. It should answer every question a potential customer might have, hold their hand through the features and benefits, and ultimately lead them to the glorious act of clicking "Add to Cart."

But fear not, fellow hustlers! Here's a crash course in avoiding the seven deadly sins of product pages, transforming them from snoozefests to conversion champions.

😑 Sin #1: The Textual Tomb

Imagine walking into a store where the only communication is a cryptic scroll on the wall. Not exactly enticing, right? Yet, many product pages fall into this trap. They rely on dense paragraphs of text that would make Tolstoy take a nap.

The πŸ˜‡ Redemption: 

  • Bullet Points are Your Best Friend: Break down information into bite-sized, scannable chunks.

  • Embrace Whitespace: Don't be afraid of letting your page breathe. White space makes the important information pop.

  • Speak Their Language: Use clear, concise language that your target audience understands. Avoid jargon and technical terms.

😑 Sin #2: The Blurry Monster

Ever try to buy a car based on a grainy Polaroid picture? No? Then why subject your customers to blurry, pixelated product images?

The πŸ˜‡ Redemption:

  • High-Resolution is Your Mantra: Invest in high-quality photos that showcase your product from multiple angles.

  • Lifestyle Shots Seal the Deal: Show your product in action! Let potential customers see how it integrates into their lives.

  • Zoom In, Zoom Out, and All Around: Offer zoom functionality and multiple images to allow for a detailed inspection.

😑 Sin #3: The Information Black Hole

Mystery can be intriguing, but on a product page, it leads to confusion and lost sales. Don't leave your customers guessing about crucial details like size, materials, or care instructions.

The πŸ˜‡ Redemption:

  • Be Transparent, Be Trustworthy: List all relevant product specifications in an easy-to-find location.

  • Think Like a Customer: Anticipate their questions and answer them proactively on the page.

  • Size Matters (Literally): Include size charts or clear measurements to avoid return headaches.

😑 Sin #4: The Call to Action Chameleon

Imagine a salesperson who keeps mumbling and fidgeting instead of asking you to buy. That's what a weak call to action (CTA) does on a product page.

The πŸ˜‡ Redemption:

  • Clarity is King: Use strong verbs like "Buy Now" or "Add to Cart." Don't be afraid to be direct.

  • Make it Stand Out: Use contrasting colors and buttons that are easy to find and click.

  • A/B Test for Success: Try out different CTAs and see which ones resonate best with your audience.

😑 Sin #5: The Feature Frenzy

Features are great, but benefits are what truly sell. Don't just tell people what your product does, tell them how it will make their lives better.

The πŸ˜‡ Redemption:

  • Focus on the "Why": Translate features into benefits. For example, instead of saying "water-resistant fabric," say "perfect for adventures, rain or shine!"

  • Speak to Their Emotions: Tap into the emotions your product evokes. Is it peace of mind? Confidence? Convenience? Highlight those!

  • Testimonials are Treasure: Showcase positive customer reviews to build trust and social proof.

😑 Sin #6: The Mobile Maze

In today's mobile-first world, a product page that's not optimized for smartphones is a conversion killer.

The πŸ˜‡ Redemption:

  • Responsive Design is the Answer: Make sure your page adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes.

  • Keep it Clickable: Ensure buttons and text are big enough for easy tapping on mobile devices.

  • Fast Loading Speeds are Key: Optimize images and content for faster loading times.

😑 Sin #7: The Orphaned Page

Once someone lands on your product page, don't leave them hanging!

The πŸ˜‡ Redemption:

  • Cross-Selling and Upselling: Recommend similar products or add-ons that complement their purchase.

  • Make Social Sharing Easy: Include social media sharing buttons to encourage user-generated content and organic reach.

  • Exit-Intent Popups (Use Wisely): Consider using exit-intent popups to offer a discount or capture email addresses, but avoid being overly intrusive.

Remember, Your Product Page is a Living Document

Your product page shouldn't be a set-it-and-forget-it situation.

  • Track and Analyze: Use website analytics tools to see how visitors interact with your page and identify areas for improvement.

  • A/B Testing is Your Friend: Experiment with different layouts, headlines, and CTAs to see what drives the most conversions.

  • Stay Fresh, Stay Relevant: Update your product page regularly with new information, promotions, and customer reviews.

By avoiding these deadly sins and embracing the πŸ˜‡ redemptions, you can transform your product page into a conversion machine. Remember, it's a constant conversation with your audience. Listen to their needs, speak their language, and show them how your product can make their lives better. Now go forth and conquer that "Add to Cart" button!


Bonus Tip: Feeling overwhelmed? Don't be afraid to outsource! There are plenty of talented freelance copywriters and web designers who can help you create a product page that sings.

Happy hustling!

Image of Shelly Leroux, owner of needtobemarketing.com

About the Author: Shelly Leroux (C.M.S.C.) is a marketing strategist with a passion for empowering side hustlers to thrive online. She believes everyone has the potential to turn their passion into a profitable venture.

Write Better Headlines For Your eCommerce Product Pages


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