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Beyond the Smile: What Other Nonverbal Cues Can You Project Confidence and Competence While Networking?

Speak Volumes Without Saying a Word: Mastering Body Language for Side Hustlers

By Shelly Leroux · July 08, 2024

Speak Volumes Without Saying a Word: Mastering Body Language for Side Hustlers

Beyond the Smile: What Other Nonverbal Cues Can You Project Confidence and Competence While Networking?

Let's face it, networking events can feel like a jungle gym of awkward small talk and forced smiles. You walk in, heart pounding a little faster, drink precariously balanced in hand, desperately searching for that one person who speaks "side hustle fluent." But what if I told you there's a whole other conversation happening that has nothing to do with words?

We're talking about body language, the silent symphony that plays alongside your witty banter. It's those nonverbal cues that can make or break that first impression, the difference between "intriguing entrepreneur" and "wallflower waiting for an escape."

So, ditch the worries about crafting the perfect elevator pitch (although a good one helps!). Let's unlock the secrets of body language and turn you into a networking ninja who radiates confidence and competence.

The Power Pose:

Imagine yourself standing tall, shoulders back, chin held high – that's a power pose, and science actually backs its effectiveness. Studies have shown that holding this posture for just a few minutes can boost your testosterone levels (confidence!) and lower cortisol (stress!).

Apply this at a networking event. Don't slouch, don't hunch over your phone (we've all been there!). Stand tall, greet people with a firm handshake, and project an air of quiet authority. You'll be surprised by the instant confidence boost.

The Art of Eye Contact:

Eye contact is a powerful tool. It shows you're engaged, interested, and present in the conversation. But there's a fine line between captivating eye contact and a creepy stare. Aim for the sweet spot: make eye contact when someone speaks, break it occasionally to avoid intensity, and then return your gaze. It shows you're actively listening and processing information – a key quality for any successful entrepreneur.

The Open and Welcoming Stance:

Think of your body as an invitation. Crossed arms scream "closed off," while uncrossed arms with open palms say "come on in, let's chat!" Angle your body slightly towards the person you're talking to, a subtle cue that shows you're fully engaged. Lean in a bit when they make a point – it demonstrates attentiveness without being intrusive.

The Mirroring Maestro:

Ever noticed yourself subconsciously mimicking a friend's laugh or mannerisms? That's mirroring in action, and it's a powerful tool to build rapport. Now, you don't want to become a human copycat, but subtly mirroring someone's posture or hand gestures can create a sense of connection and trust.

The Smile (But Not Just Any Smile):

Ah, the smile, the classic networking tool. But a genuine smile goes a long way further than a plastered-on grin. Let your eyes crinkle at the corners, a sign of true happiness and warmth. This effortless expression instantly puts people at ease and makes you seem approachable.

Bonus Tip: Mind the Nervous Habits:

We all have them – fiddling with jewelry, checking the phone, biting our nails. These nervous habits can be distracting and chip away at your projected confidence. Be mindful of them, and try to replace them with more positive gestures – a gentle touch on your arm, or playing with a pen if you need something to occupy your hands.

Remember: Body language is a conversation, a dance between you and the person you're connecting with. By being mindful of these nonverbal cues, you can project confidence, competence, and genuine interest – the holy trinity of successful networking. So, the next time you find yourself at an event, remember, it's not just about what you say, it's about how you say it (with your body!). Now go forth and network like a pro!

Image of Shelly Leroux, owner of needtobemarketing.com

About the Author: Shelly Leroux (C.M.S.C.) is a marketing strategist with a passion for empowering side hustlers to thrive online. She believes everyone has the potential to turn their passion into a profitable venture.

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