Life, Work, Hustle: Can You Fit It All In?

Don't Hustle Your Health Away: Set Realistic Goals & Self-Care Strategies for a Side Hustle that Fuels You

By Shelly Leroux · March 28, 2024

Imagine this: a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, the rhythmic tap-tap-tap of a keyboard in the other. You're crafting that perfect social media caption, finalizing a client proposal, all while mentally preparing a grocery list. This, my friend, is the life of the side hustler – a dance between passion, productivity, and that ever-elusive work-life balance.

For many, the allure of a side hustle is undeniable. Whether it's the freedom to pursue a creative passion, the potential for extra income, or simply the thrill of building something new, the call to action is strong. But before you dive headfirst into the world of side hustling, there's a crucial question to ponder: can you fit it all in?

The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. The juggling act of life, work, and hustle depends on a unique blend of factors – your existing commitments, your chosen hustle, and most importantly, your own time management skills.

The Hustler's Spectrum

Let's break down the side-hustle spectrum. On one end sits the seasoned entrepreneur, juggling a well-established brick-and-mortar business with a budding online presence. On the other end, we have the newbie freelancer, carving out a few precious evening hours to write or design. Both are hustling, but their needs and challenges differ.

Experienced Hustlers

For those already managing a small business, adding an online component can feel like adding another plate to a mountain-high stack. However, the good news is that you already possess the foundational skills – marketing savvy, customer service chops, and the ability to wear multiple hats.

Your challenge lies in harnessing the power of online tools to streamline your workload. Invest in project management software, explore social media scheduling apps, and consider outsourcing repetitive tasks like data entry. Reframing "fitting it all in" becomes a matter of automation, delegation, and prioritizing tasks that maximize online impact.

Newbie Hustlers

The fresh-faced freelancer faces a different hurdle – time. Building a client base and establishing a brand from scratch requires dedicated effort. Here, the key is efficiency. Mastering time management is crucial. Create a realistic schedule that carves out focused work hours, even if they fall outside the traditional nine-to-five.

Learn to say no to projects that don't align with your goals and embrace automation tools like email templates and invoicing software. Remember, your initial hustle is about building a foundation – gradually increasing your workload as your client list expands.

The Art of Balance

Regardless of experience level, the quest for work-life balance remains a constant battle cry for the side hustler. Here are some universal tips to help you strike that elusive equilibrium:

  • Communicate: Be upfront with your family, friends, and even your employer (if applicable) about your side hustle commitments. Setting boundaries and establishing expectations will reduce friction and garner support.

  • Prioritize ruthlessly: Learn to differentiate between "urgent" and "important." Urgent tasks might demand immediate attention, but the truly important ones are those that contribute to your long-term hustle goals.

  • Schedule self-care: Burning the candle at both ends leads to burnout. Schedule regular breaks for exercise, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. A well-rested, rejuvenated you is a more productive hustler.

  • Be realistic: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your side hustle empire. Set realistic goals, celebrate milestones, and embrace the journey of learning and growth.

The Final Word

The side hustle life is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires dedication, flexibility, and a healthy dose of self-awareness. Can you fit it all in? Absolutely, but it takes work. Embrace the challenge, prioritize ruthlessly, and remember, a well-executed hustle doesn't have to come at the expense of your well-being. So, grab that cup of coffee, tap away with passion, and remember, you've got this!

Image of Shelly Leroux, owner of

That’s it in a nutshell. Thanks for reading.

Shelly Leroux (C.M.S.C.) speaks fluent "creator." This website conversion specialist and marketing strategist helps you ditch the overwhelm with automations and powerful inbound strategies. Need DFY solutions? Get them at

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