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  • Your Side Hustle's Digital Doorstep: Building a Website That Converts

Your Side Hustle's Digital Doorstep: Building a Website That Converts

Struggling to get customers for your side hustle? Learn how to build a website that tells your story, captivates your audience, and converts visitors into paying clients

By Shelly Leroux · May 02, 2024

Your Side Hustle's Digital Doorstep: Building a Website That Converts

Your Side Hustle's Digital Doorstep: Building a Website That Converts

Imagine a bustling marketplace, overflowing with potential customers. They're searching, curious, and ready to connect with the perfect product or service. But your side hustle? It's tucked away in a dusty corner, hidden from the vibrant energy. Here's where your website swoops in, transforming that hidden gem into a storefront that shines – a digital beacon that draws customers in and compels them to take action.

Building a website for your side hustle can feel daunting, especially with all the technical terms bouncing around. Fear not, fellow hustlers! This guide will equip you, whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur taking your business online for the first time, or a newbie freelancer crafting your digital presence from scratch.

We'll navigate the common questions that pop up when building your side hustle's website, ensuring it doesn't just exist online, but thrives. Here's the key: we're not just creating a website, we're crafting a captivating story – your side hustle's story – that resonates with your ideal customer and converts interest into paying clients.

First Impressions Matter: Choosing Your Platform

Think of your website as your virtual handshake. Just like in the real world, first impressions matter. So, where do you begin? Choosing the right platform is crucial. Popular options include:

  • Website Builders (Wix, Squarespace): Drag-and-drop simplicity perfect for beginners. Pre-built templates allow for quick launches, but customization can be limited.

  • Content Management Systems (WordPress.org): Greater flexibility and control, ideal for those comfortable with some technical know-how. Plugins galore open the door to advanced features, but require more maintenance.

Do your research! Consider your budget, technical skills, and desired level of customization before making your pick. Many platforms offer free trials, allowing you to experiment before committing.

The Power of Storytelling: Crafting Captivating Content

Now, let's get to the heart of your website – the content. This is where you weave your side hustle's narrative.

  • Headline Hero: Your website's headline is like a captivating billboard. Make it clear, concise, and benefit-driven. What problem do you solve? How does your side hustle improve your audience's life?

  • Storytelling Magic: People connect with stories. Showcase your expertise by sharing case studies, client testimonials, or even your own entrepreneurial journey.

  • Visual Appeal: High-quality images and engaging videos grab attention and break up text. Invest in visuals that align with your brand aesthetic.

SEO: The Secret Sauce for Visibility

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ensures your website gets discovered. Here are some often-missed aspects to consider:

  • Page Titles & Meta Descriptions: These are like tiny headlines and summaries that search engines use to understand your content. Include relevant keywords that potential customers might search for.

  • On-Page SEO: Optimize your website's code with relevant keywords, ensuring search engines can effectively crawl and index your content. Many platforms offer plugins to simplify this process.

Hidden Gems: Cleaning Up Your Website

Websites, like workshops, can get cluttered. Here are some housekeeping tips:

  • Turn Off Unused Pages: Many platforms, like WordPress.org, come with pre-installed pages like a blog section. If you're not planning on using it, turn it off to prevent confusing visitors.

  • Broken Link Blues: Regularly check for broken links that lead nowhere. They damage user experience and hurt your SEO.

The Call to Action: Your Conversion Lifeline

Your website shouldn't just tell a story; it should prompt action.

  • Clear CTAs: A Call to Action (CTA) is like a friendly nudge, guiding visitors towards taking the next step. Do you want them to contact you for a quote? Sign up for your email list? Make your CTAs clear, concise, and strategically placed.

Remember, your website is a living, breathing entity. Keep it fresh with regular updates and new content. As your side hustle evolves, so should your website!

Building a website for your side hustle may seem like a challenge, but armed with the right storytelling tools and technical know-how, you can craft a captivating online presence that converts website visitors into loyal customers. So, unleash your inner digital architect, tell your side hustle's story, and watch it flourish in the bustling marketplace we call the internet!

Image of Shelly Leroux, owner of needtobemarketing.com

About the Author: Shelly Leroux (C.M.S.C.) is a marketing strategist with a passion for empowering side hustlers to thrive online. She believes everyone has the potential to turn their passion into a profitable venture.

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